
Prix De Samsung Galaxy Note 3

(Pocket-lint) - The Galaxy Note 2 is the successor to the, erm, Galaxy Note, which is predictable. What wasn't predictable was how we would feel about this new handset. The Note, you encounter, is a scrap of an enigma. A massive phone, or really minor 3G tablet. It sits in a space that doesn't exist, with an unknown audience.

People who haven't used a Galaxy Note - the original, or this new model - won't get it. This is a telephone you have to alive with to truly understand. Most people will take one look at the size - information technology dwarfs the already massive Galaxy S Iii - and dominion information technology out as beingness impractical. In our view, that's a mistake, considering this phone has a lot to offering besides its size. And the size isn't much of an issue, as we discovered.

Our quick have

When you lot get the Annotation 2 out of its box, your kickoff reaction will be to its enormous size. Some will observe it absurd, merely those who want a big screen with loads of cute detail, a much amend battery and some absurd pen features volition "get" it within 10 minutes of belongings it for the offset time.

The Note is a device that shouldn't work. A device that the Koreans dreamt up later on too little sleep, and likewise many energy drinks. But somehow, information technology'southward the about captivating phone nosotros've used for a long fourth dimension. It manages to invalidate the tablet to some extent, because information technology's big enough to exist a powerful media device, but small-scale enough to carry everywhere.

It isn't a phone for everyone, but those who love gadgets volition take to information technology, and it volition modify their lives.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

v stars - Pocket-lint editors choice


  • Fantastic screen
  • Pen is keen
  • Loads and loads of power
  • Swell battery life


  • Handwriting recognition needs some work
  • It's expensive

Not too big

We've travelled around a fair fleck with the Note. We've been asked a lot virtually the size, and honestly, it's not a problem. It will fit in your jeans pocket, assuming your jeans aren't too tight, and you won't really notice its extra weight.

Strangely, it's not really any harder to use with i hand than a phone such every bit the Samsung Galaxy S Iii. As Apple points out, there is a ratio that allows for single-handed use, and most modern Android phones ignore it. And then while the Note is hard to utilise single-handed, it's not any more hard than whatsoever other Android phone.

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It'southward a fleck heavier though, which might carp some, but information technology has a nice weight, and a not bad overall balance.


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In terms of style, at that place'south a power button on the right-hand side, with volume controls on the left. The top has the headphone jack, while the bottom holds the USB socket for charging and information transfer.

Under the battery comprehend you'll find the, erm, bombardment, along with the micro-SIM card slot, and the microSD card. Hither you can add capacities of up to 64GB - which is quite a lot of storage for a phone.

There is a photographic camera on the back, with an LED wink, and on the front is another, video-briefing-type camera.

The pen is mightier than your sausage fingers

The pen on the note is interesting. We have mixed feelings nigh information technology, to exist honest. The most heady idea is to utilise it for handwriting recognition, but in that location are a few trivial bugs that prevent information technology being entirely practical. We've done a lot of tweeting and text messaging using the system, and while information technology tin work brilliantly, there are times when it just gets things wrong.

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Nosotros noticed that getting the software to find spaces was difficult at times. The problem was that in that location was a lack of consistency. If it never got spacing right, you could piece of work around it, merely it did get it correct about 50 per cent of the time, meaning you lot'd assume it had done its chore, then look over your bulletin and notice it hadn't.


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Capital messages were also a trouble. The telephone doesn't seem to utilise any logic to this, and then sometimes words would have a random initial cap. This is obviously because of how nosotros wrote the letters on the screen, but it'due south fairly easy to remove caps through autocorrect, then we're amazed the Samsung doesn't seem to.

Other than that, the recognition itself is pretty brilliant. Its accurateness is very good, equally long as you don't write like an idiot and the screen/pen combination works really well. It's arguably a little too small for much writing, just it works for brusque notes.

Of course, the pen does other things. You tin use information technology as a finger, if you wish, meaning you don't need to become grease all over your phone screen. It can be used to depict too, as you'd expect, and at that place are some note-taking apps that allow yous to record your writing every bit either

We'll be candid about the camera

The viii-megapixel shooter is a flake weak in reduced light. So indoor snaps are petty more than average. Outdoors, in strong light, and things get a lot meliorate. At that place is plenty detail in the images for most employ. They won't disgrace themselves when printed out on sensibly sized paper and they'll exist fine for sharing via Facebook and the like.

There are as well some dainty features such as a flare-up shooting way, that fires off lots of shots in rapid succession. These are stored in the phone memory, which might atomic number 82 to some confusion virtually where to observe them afterwards.


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You also get a lot of control, and at that place are plenty of modes which allow you to grab the "all-time photo" from viii shots, which the phone snaps - as with the outburst manner - in rapid succession. In addition to all this, at that place are the usual settings to tweak, to get the best possible photo. And, to give the Instagram lovers a treat, there are some bones photograph filters too.


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The camera app is pretty easy to utilize. The usual touch-to-focus is here, and we didn't have whatever problems with it failing to focus properly - something that seems to plague cheaper phones. It'due south besides nice and quick to go a lock. We also found confront detection worked well, and although nosotros've never made much use of it, it's good to meet it included.

Move and gesture command

Things get very absurd when you lot look at what Samsung has added, both in terms of movement detection and gestures. Like many phones, y'all can turn the Notation over to silence it when it'southward ringing. As well, rather brilliantly, if you have a contact on-screen, then but lifting the telephone to your ear will call that contact. At that place's a lilliputian buzz of vibration to confirm this is happening.


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Our favourite characteristic though, has to be the gesture to pick up the telephone. When you do this, past reaching toward the handset, the screen illuminates telling you if you accept missed calls, new text messages and the level of your battery. It's fab, although it uses the camera to pull this pull a fast one on off, so expect it to destroy the battery life of your Notation.

All of these features can be enabled or disabled individually too, so you tin option and choose the ones that suit your needs. We found most of them to exist slightly pointless, and we never once managed to become the screen grab gesture to work.

Powerful and fast

With LTE in the UK being a bit of a mess, the whole situation has the potential to confuse. The Notation ii will be bachelor on EE in a 4G variety. There are too other versions of the telephone that support 4G on 700MHz and 1200MHz for regions where those frequencies are being used. If you want the Note 2 in a 4G season, yous should seek assistance from your mobile network.

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Based on the theoretical maximum, the Notation 2 can download at 100mbps and upload at 50mbps. That's some serious speed, and while we doubt well-nigh people will see anywhere nearly that, it's a cool thought that your phone could download faster than your habitation broadband.

The rest of the telephone is super-fast though. A quad-core processor ways that there's almost no lag at any fourth dimension. In that location's 2GB of RAM too, which should help to proceed the phone feeling light, powerful and responsive. At that place are sixteen 32 and 64GB capacities too, although the 1 you're probable to be ownership is the 16GB.

Entertainment goliath

Perhaps the best thing almost the Note is that screen. At over five-inches, it'southward a formidable size for all things video, and the Annotation has some pretty cool tricks up its sleeve for this. But best of all, its 720p (720 x 1280) resolution is ideal for lots of media, and you'll become a lot out of video that uses this format, as it's brilliantly matched to 1 of the most common Hd formats. Being an AMOLED panel, there'southward no shortage of colour here, with bright tones bursting out of the screen. Samsung, mayhap enlightened of the criticism OLED gets for being quite unrealistic, has too provided modes to tone down the colour, should you want more than natural tones.

Equally usual for Samsung'due south high-end handsets, there is plenty of video playback support. MKV files - which take MP4 video inside them - playback perfectly, and with sound too, which isn't the case on a lot of other phones.


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If you lot use the stock video player, you besides get the option to scout video in a pop-upwardly window. This ways you tin can browse the spider web, send text letters or do any other telephone task, while watching your video in a pocket-size window. Information technology's a nice feature, that makes use of the Notation'due south impressive processing ability.

Then, of form, you lot've got Netflix, YouTube and countless other video players that volition requite you admission to stacks of content, all on that big, brilliant, beautiful screen. Video is a existent treat on the Note, so if you're looking for a media device with a bigger screen than a phone, this is quite likely to be the device of your dreams.


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Picture and audio quality are both brilliant though. Nosotros really liked the Note as an amusement device. Music sounds great, and the music player Samsung includes is pretty good. You get admission to Samsung'southward Hub likewise, which allows you lot to shop music online, but y'all volition need an account with Sammy to use this - and that won't be for everyone.

Jelly Edible bean

After much dilly-dallying about getting Jelly Edible bean on the SGS III - it STILL hasn't arrived, officially - we were very pleased to see the Note two send with Google'southward flagship OS already installed.

Jelly Edible bean is crucial, because information technology brings some of the most exciting features yet to Android. Google Now, for instance, is fantastic, and the "cards" which the system uses to keep you updated on weather, traffic and public transport is utterly brilliant.

Voice control is also much improved, and Google's system works besides or better than Siri in nearly of the tests we've tried. It'due south non got a sense of sense of humour though, and then don't try making jokes or asking random questions to befuddle information technology.


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Yous likewise get the new notifications area. This is a huge comeback, with much larger previews. Nosotros've constitute that this has increased how much fourth dimension we spend in the notifications tray, because information technology has suddenly go incredibly useful, both for toggles for the likes of Wi-Fi and GPS, but likewise for getting to the menus and seeing long previews of our email.

On top of Android, there'southward Samsung's TouchWiz interface. We aren't crazy about it, visually speaking, but in the Note it adds a lot of pretty crucial features. For example, the handwriting recognition, and apps that use the pen in general all make use of the Samsung modifications. So if you hate TouchWiz, this isn't the phone for you, equally you're stuck with it if yous want to use the phone's features to the fullest.


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Usually, we complain near the stock keyboard on phones too. But here, we found ourselves quite liking the system. For ane, the actress screen space allows for a dedicated row of numbers above the top row of letters. You'd be surprised how much of a deviation this makes to using the device. Just also, the Samsung keyboard allows you to switch easily to handwriting recognition, which is another decent feature.

Samsung also includes its "blocking fashion", which is like Apple'due south "exercise not disturb" role. Y'all tin can block calls, text letters and so on for set times with this feature. There's also the option to permit through calls from certain people - say, your child's nursery, or your other-half.

Call and text

The only problem with making phone calls on the Note is that it tin sometimes be hard to locate the earpiece properly. This ways you volition sometimes non hear people on the other end all that well. Movement the phone around, and you'll somewhen striking the sweet spot, but with no distinguishing "feel", information technology'due south harder than y'all might call up.

Once you're sorted, the sound quality of calls is bright. And while the Note is massive, and you look ridiculous using it, information technology's a really comfortable phone to use and fifty-fifty though it'south both big, and heavy, we never struggled.


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Text messaging on the Note is terrific. You tin can paw-write messages if you want, although it's a bit arduous. But the extra screen size means that the keys, and the gaps betwixt the keys, are larger than on a normal phone. This means typing is easier, and we discovered that nosotros were able to type much more accurately.


A large phone needs a big battery. The screen alone volition drink power in the Annotation 2, and so if you're using it for, say, satellite navigation, where the screen is on constantly, and so it's going to run out of juice very quickly indeed. We tested this, and reckon you lot'll lose ability at more than ten per cent per 60 minutes for navigation - and probable video as well.

Things look upwards when yous apply the phone more than "normally". One time you're out of the constant apply phase that affects everyone when they first buy a handset, so you start to use it less and overall get more impressive battery life. The Note can hands final the solar day under normal use, and if y'all were conservative with it, you'd get one-and-a-half to two days' use. Switch off a few things like push button notifications and yous'll have no worries.


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The bombardment itself is a 3100mAh prison cell, so there's a lot of juice in hither. To give you an idea, nearly phone sit down well-nigh 2000mAh these days - older, or smaller phones from 1600mAh up - and tablets residue around 6000mAh or more (the iPad iii is nearly 12,000mAh). The life you lot see though, can be curtailed by some of Samsung'due south ain functionality, similar motility detection and some of the gesture-based coolness.

To recap

We're in dear. This phone may seem wildly illogical, but those fabulous Koreans have somehow managed to create a device that offers so much more than than a smaller phone and well-nigh makes tablets pointless. This phone won't exist for everyone, but for us it's i of the best Android devices money can purchase.

Writing by Ian Morris.


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